Carin Rubenstein

CCarin Rubenstein holds a Ph.D. in social/personality psychology from New York University. She has written several books, including IN SEARCH OF INTIMACY, a book about loneliness in America, and THE SACRIFICIAL MOTHER, about what happens to women when they give up too much of themselves for their children. She is also the author of BEYOND THE MOMMY YEARS, about what happens to women when their children leave home, and THE SUPERIOR WIFE SYNDROME, about the perils of being a does-it-all wife and mother. She has also been a journalist, writing for many women's magazines, and for The New York Times. She has discussed her work on many national television and radio shows, including Today,Good Morning America,The View and Oprah. Rubenstein is a professor of psychology at Pima Community College, in Tucson, AZ. R